Гаргантюа и Пантагрюэль _ Gargantua Ve Pantagruel

250,50 TL
501,00 TL
Stock code
François Rabelais
Год публикации (Year of Publication)
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Количество страниц (Number of Pages)
Warranty Period
24 Month
501,00 TL
Kniga, kotoroy voskhishchalis' takiye raznyye pisateli, kak Gyugo i Bal'zak, Prosper Merime i Anatol' Frans. Yeye otgoloski slyshny v tvorchestve Rasina, Lafontena i Mol'yera. Yeye illyustriroval Gyustav Dore, yeyu vdokhnovlyalsya Onore Dom'ye...Korni fantasmagoricheskoy istorii korolya-velikana Gargantyua i yego syna Pantagryuelya lezhat v srednevekovom frantsuzskom fol'klore. Ottuda zhe Rable zaimstvoval i mnogiye cherty stilya svoyego romana: demonstrativnyye i shutlivo-nepravdopodobnyye preuvelicheniya, skazochnyye syuzhetnyye povoroty, buystvo narodnoy fantazii i otkrovenno grubovatyy, stol' zhe istinno narodnyy yumor.Odnako skvoz' karnaval'nuyu, smekhovuyu stikhiyu romana prostupayut cherty zhestkoy sotsial'noy satiry, ot kotoroy dostayetsya i sovremennoy tserkvi, i sudebnoy sisteme, i pedagogike, i mnogo chemu yeshche, i gumanisticheskiy nravstvennyy posyl, vospevayushchiy svobodu i nezavisimost' chelovecheskoy lichnosti, lyubov' k zhizni i prostyye radosti bytiya.
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Гаргантюа и Пантагрюэль  _ Gargantua Ve Pantagruel


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